welcome to my website

this is my little corner on the internet, this has been worked on for a lot (this domain was registered in october 2020, LOL) so it has been quite the trip, i hope it was worth the wait and maybe ill be happy with something i have done myself, no clue why i have been slacking off on this but its here now, i was originally planning on just doing it tag by tag using html, but eventually i realized i was way too stupid.

then i realized i could just use a website editor, i eventually found frontpage 03, it was exactly what i was looking for, but i realized most templates were hosted in a server that is well, dead..

i eventually found a nice little template (i have NO clue how i found it), its made by someone that goes by "sadgrl", its very nice, i began editing it to my liking and now there it is. its basically a weird amalgamation of early-mid 2000s website design and early 2010s website design (or not), its just okay and it tickles my fancy enough.

i hope you enjoy sorting through this place as much as i enjoyed doing it, cheers!

and now, for something completely different...

to think that the internet is such an important tool for humanity now is just "concerning",

the internet is not something really that has always been there, therefore ever since the 2000s it has been actually growing in size to the point its basically yet another society (or a derivate of worldwide human society, perhaps) so seeing how dependent we have become of it is okay in case of another pandemic or something alike, it is concerning to think that maybe around the time i die the internet is just gonna be permanently incrusted into human society, if it has not been like that already, i just hope maybe we can use both the internet and any new developments in technology (like ai) in a way that will not harm us.

that is just my nerdish rambling, cheers!! - zeriben